Thursday, January 24, 2008


So....anybody like the pictures?... any comments? Oh ya...if anyone has an ellgible Berserker picture, send it to us, and it'll probably go up. "A life without Christ is just a life that is never fixed. - KJ-52

Monday, January 21, 2008

About Us....

Well the berserkers first started as a rival group to the HBS. It started when Giraffizard started his strange nature meetings. It was unquestionable that we retalliate. The name is derived from old Norse Warrior's which were actually called 'Berserks.' It was first rediscovered while in Mexico, when a certain....senior.... was seen going positively mad (berserk) on Micah's perch. A Berserker is by definition one that has "reckless abandon and disregard to even his own life." This was evident in the seniors wild manner and the trajection of his arms, legs, and dreads. We as berserkers feel that Jesus Christ is reason enough to be berserk. So now we meet at the Coffee boy on thursdays at 7:00A.M to have our bible studies which is our training for the real battle.