Thursday, January 24, 2008


So....anybody like the pictures?... any comments? Oh ya...if anyone has an ellgible Berserker picture, send it to us, and it'll probably go up. "A life without Christ is just a life that is never fixed. - KJ-52


Mongeeso said...

I like the picture where I had the fatty mcfatfat bag of mexican brand cheetos. Those things tasted like flour, with a little bit of water, then a pinch of macaroni cheese powder. Yes I did eat over half that bag, blindfolded, in my sleeping bag, with Ramses force feeding me.

Mongeeso said...

Oh and I made Nathan berserk by giving a wedgie to Justin that lifted both his feet off the ground.

Jacob said...

the atomic wedgie pictures should get added...if it didn't offend anyone fo course

Anonymous said...

definitely add the wedgie pics! Ramsey didn't force feed you Fatty McFatFat! you guys were having a massively romantic moment